Sponsorship in Canadian immigration represents a pivotal pathway for uniting families across borders. It offers Canadian citizens and permanent residents the opportunity to bring their loved ones to Canada, enabling them to live, work, and study as permanent residents in a country known for its diversity and inclusivity. This process not only strengthens family bonds but also enriches the Canadian societal fabric with diverse cultural influences. At Rabaab Immigration Services, we understand the profound impact of this journey and are dedicated to guiding you through every step of the sponsorship process, ensuring a smooth transition for your family into Canadian life.

Sponsorship Types in Canada

  • Family Sponsorship: Eligible Canadian citizens or permanent residents can sponsor spouses, partners, or dependent children. To sponsor, one must be at least 18 years old, live in Canada, and have the financial capacity to support the sponsored individuals.
  • Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship: This program allows the sponsorship of biological or adopted parents and grandparents. Applicants must submit an interest to sponsor form and be invited to apply. Financial stability and residence in Canada are crucial.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Sponsor Eligibility: The sponsor must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or a registered Indian under the Canadian Indian Act. They must also be financially capable of supporting their sponsored relatives.
  • Applicant Eligibility: The sponsored individual must meet the criteria under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations. This includes background checks, health requirements, and the relationship to the sponsor.

Application Process

  • Fees: The application fees vary, starting from $1,080 for sponsoring a spouse, partner, or child, and similar fees apply for parents and grandparents.
  • Steps: The process involves submitting a sponsorship application and a permanent residence application. The processing time varies based on application type, completeness, verification of information, and response time to any requests.

Why Choose Rabaab Immigration Services

  • Expertise: With a deep understanding of the intricacies of Canadian sponsorship processes, Rabaab Immigration Services ensures a smooth application experience.
  • Personalized Support: Our team offers individualized assistance, considering each client’s unique situation.
  • Comprehensive Assistance: From the initial consultation to the final decision, we provide ongoing support throughout the sponsorship journey.

click here to know your eligibility for the Sponsorship Application

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