If you are a professional athlete, farmer, or artisan interested in living in one of Canada’s provinces or territories, you may be able to apply for a business immigrant visa for yourself and your immediate family.

The federal and provincial governments of Canada, as well as the province of Quebec, offer immigration programmes to individuals who are self-employed in specified industries.

  1. QUEBEC SELF EMPLOYED: Quebec Self-Employed was created to offer qualified individuals with the option to seek permanent residency in Canada if they can effectively establish themselves in the Province of Quebec through the practise of a trade or profession on their own account.

Additionally, as with all of this province’s immigration schemes, this one requires a minimum net worth of $100,000 and the purpose to reside in Quebec.

2. FEDERAL SELF EMPLOYED: To be eligible for business immigration to Canada under the Self-Employed Persons Program, an applicant must demonstrate relevant agricultural, artistic, or athletic experience that will enable the applicant to succeed as a self-employed individual in Canada and make a significant contribution to their field.

The Federal Self-Employed Persons Program also requires applicants to have two years of relevant job experience in their profession to demonstrate their ability to be gainfully self-employed in any Canadian province except Quebec.

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