The Quebec Self-Employed Worker Program allows qualifying individuals to gain permanent residence to successfully establish themselves in the province as independent tradespersons or professionals. To be eligible for this programme, applicants must have at least CAD 100,000 in net assets, and two years of experience as self-employed workers in the field they intend to practise in Quebec.

NOTE: Between November 1, 2020, and September 30, 2021, Quebec will accept 50 applications for selection under its Self-Employed Worker Program. Candidates who demonstrate advanced intermediate abilities in French oral expression and comprehension through a MIFI-recognized language test are excluded from this cap and may apply between November 1, 2020, and October 31, 2021.


The Quebec Self-Employed Worker Program is an immigration route for newcomers with experience in self-employment. Successful applicants may immigrate to Quebec and establish their own business by performing a profession or trade independently. As is the case with all of Quebec’s immigration streams, this programme permitted applicants to apply for a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ – Québec selection certificate) while it was in operation. An applicant becomes eligible to make an official application for Canadian permanent residency after acquiring a CSQ.

In addition to meeting the minimum requirements for the program, the Government of Quebec says the self-employed worker must accept the following conditions:

  • choose the means of work performance;
    • organize the work;
    • provide the required tools and equipment;
    • carry out most of the specialized duties; and
    • collect the profits and support the loss risks resulting from the work.


Applicants must meet the following criteria in order to be eligible for the Quebec Self-Employed Worker Program. An applicant must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Register a start-up deposit of $50,000 or more at a local financial institution, if self-employed worker is based in Montreal.
  • Deposit at least $25,000 if based in regions outside of Montreal.
  • Come to Quebec to create their own job by practicing a profession or trade on their own account.
  • Have net assets of at least $100,000 that have been legally obtained with, when applicable, an accompanying spouse or common-law partner.
  • Have at least two years of experience as a self-employed worker in the profession or trade they plan to practise in Quebec.
  • Meet the minimum points required as indicated on the Quebec Self-employed worker points assessment grid.

Applications will take into account other factors as well, including age, language proficiency, and training background.

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